Powerful and easy to use graphing calculator that allows you to plot real-valued functions, trajectories, and even vector fields on the cartesian plane. Everything with amazing retina graphics.
GraphMe takes full advantage of the multitouch capabilities of the device in a simple and intuitive way, like controlling the parametric interval of a trajectory with a simple finger gesture.
• You can graph in the cartesian plane the following type of functions:
Real-valued of a real variable (including functions in polar coordinates)
Vector fields
• Drag to pan, pinch to zoom and shake the device to restore the original position.
• Plot up to four graphs of real-valued functions at once, with different colours to distinguish them.
• Plot up to four graphs of functions in polar coordinates and change the angle variable with a gesture. Compare them alongside your functions in rectangular coordinates. You can change to polar coordinates with a swipe to the left on top of the real-valued functions fields.
• Graph inequalities.
• Send your graphs as images through email, or save them to your photo gallery.
• You can change the parametric interval of your trajectory using a simple gesture, and see the changes on the fly. Also, you can change the angle of your polar functions dynamically.
• You can use the following functions: cos, sin, tan, exp, log, sqrt, pow, abs, csc, sec, cot, asin, acos, atan, sinh, cosh, tanh, csch, sech, coth, floor, ceil and round.
• Night mode.
• Customised keyboard.
• More features to come!
Supported languages: English, Spanish.